Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Memories of Living in Murray

Memories of Living in Murray

Another memory I have of my Dad, when we were living in Murray, is when he got mad at another driver. I’m not sure about how old I was but I think maybe 5 or 6 years old. We were driving north on State Street and I was sitting in the front seat when someone cut us off and dad had to slam on the brakes. He stuck out his arm to stop me but I was propelled forward and my head slammed into the dashboard (all metal). Well I started crying and had a big bump on my head. He was upset because I was hurt and it had been caused by this other car. I remember that we were driving to Salt Lake so that he could buy a part to fix something at home. It’s funny how you can remember some things so well and how other parts of a memory are fuzzy.

My best friend during the time we lived in Murray was Christine Springmeyer, who lived on East Mountain View Drive. Hoffmans lived on the corner just north of us and the Springmeyers lived next to them. Our’s was not a square block and so our backyards faced each other. I remember we had a chain link fence that connected our backyards with a gate at the north end. I remember her backyard almost as well as our’s. I don’t remember having another good friend my age. But I do remember that the Days lived across the street from the Springmeyers and I remember playing on their front porch. I remember next to the Springmeyers going up East Mountain View was Doctor Sunwall. He took out my tonsils. Alice and I got locked in his garage and he had a great tree in his front yard that I remember climbing in. Maybe Alice can remember that story and write it.

Speaking of Alice, she got stuck with tending me a lot. She is 5 years and 9 months older than I am. I think she resented having to tend me so much. One day she wanted to go over to a friend’s house and didn’t want to take me. So she and her friend tied me up and left me in the upstairs bathtub. We moved to Brigham the fall when I was 7 so I must have been 5 to 7 years old and she would have been 11 to 13 years old. I remember feeling like this was a great game and I think I got myself untied. Alice I am sure that I only have a few emotional scars from this experience. I know I teased Alice a lot. I remember I liked to catch bugs and insects and then chase Alice with them. It got to the point that I could pretend to have a bug in my hand and all I needed to say was Alice look at the bug I have and start for her. She would start to scream and run from me, so of course I would chase her. It was great fun and I would laugh and laugh. I do remember that we found a garden snake and this was great fun to chase her with. It was about 18 inches to 2 feet long. I was sad when it go chopped up in the lawn mower because I lost my best thing to tease Alice with. During these last few years in Murray, Gar was on his mission and Tad was at the Naval Academy, Van would have been 12 to 14 years old, Alice 11 to 13 years old and I was 5 to 7 years old.

Here is a picture of our house at 4760 Atwood Blvd. I found this on Google street view.


  1. Neighbors: Across the street - Moores, Winns, Uncks. Around the corner across from Hoffmans and Springmeyers - Andersons.

    Our house: The room at the left front as you face the house was the "knotty pine room" and we had the TV in there, at least when we had one. Our first TV was a Hoffman with a small, round screen and we watched Kukla, Fran and Olie and Milton Berle. Behind that room was Gar and Tad's bedroom. John started a fire in that bedroom one time and was too frightened to tell anybody about it. By the time it was discovered it had burned part of one of the wooden bed frames. That bed carried the scars of the fire for as long as I can remember.

  2. How old was I when I started the fire?

    1. I can't remember that kind of detail but I would assume it was when I was between 13 and 16. Where would that put you age wise?

  3. 1 to 4 years old. So you were probably 15 or 16 and I was probably 3 or 4.

  4. I always thought it was the Bountiful house that John had started the fire in. So it was this house? And Grandpa built it? Way cool!
