Sunday, April 22, 2012

John’s Trip to the Doctor’s office in Canyon City

Tad’s post about some of the stupid things he did as a child made me remember one the stupid things I did while we were visiting Canyon City.  You will all have to fill in some of my fuzzy memories.  I know I must have been between 4 and 7.  I remember that everyone was inside the house taking and I was outside on the porch playing.  I took a piece of rope and tied it the ends of the hand rail at the top of the porch and then thought it would be a good idea to lean against the rope with my back going down the stairs.  Well the rope gave way and I fell backwards down the stairs.  My head hit the corner or the edge of one of the concrete stairs and split my head open.  I remember Aunt Eddie or Verrie took me with dad to the doctor’s office and they put 2 metal clamps in the back of my head.  I got some kind of treat for being such a brave little boy at the doctor’s office.  I think this was before Grandma Norman had passed away.  Please fill in any memories of the trip or correct my memory.

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